open heart heroes

Thursday, April 25, 2019

spring break

My spring break has just begun and I am already having fun . Sunday was Easter and we had lots of fun my sister and I ran around the house looking for candy and chocolate. Monday I went home and went straight to bed. Tuesday I got up and had a nice and easy day at home. Wednesday I helped clean the house and played with my little sister and called my big brother. I had hot dogs with no bun for lunch, because the gluten free hot dog buns are gross. I went and saw my friend and we got Slurpee's and played at a park. Today being the beginning of a new day, I am excited  to see where the rest of  the week leads me.  p.s  don't go out on your bike for Slurpee's' on a really windy day. show your true colors
your friend open heart maya

Sunday, April 21, 2019

a little bet more about me and my heart.

Hi its me Maya. Ok I know that I have not posted in a long time so forgive me please. It has been a very busy school year for me.I have been doing lots of activities like dance, basketball, swim team and drama. But here is a little bit more about me and my daily life, my favorite color is orange, I am a very good swimmer, I turn 13 in September, I LOVE dresses and accessories so much. I have 1 dog and 1 cat in my family, my pets don't live with us, I have lots of friends and all of them are very nice and generous I had the best laughs with them. I have moved once in my life, I live in North America, my favorite activity is basketball but lately I have not been playing to often.I went to this heart camp  to connect with other heart kids where I made lots of friends we had so much fun, we laughed so much that we started crying sometimes. My mom and I where we live we did a fundraiser for heart camp we made money like I am talking a big fat wad! Just kidding. Some people just gave money others bought things and sometimes a little tip. When I was born the doctor said that my heart was like swiss cheese, that's a lot of holes. When you look at me you don't see the heart kid in me at all you see a regular smart and brave girl.

Here is the thing, most of the heart kids you see are different they all have different conditions and looks, like my friend she does not look like a heart kid but she has a lot of energy like a normal brave girl. But like another kid I know his conditions show a lot and he is not as energetic as my other friend. The doctors and nurses try to fix some of us but some of us are unfixable. The world is full surprises, surprise someone that looks like they could use a friend. No matter the looks, form or conditions be there friend and understand if they are going through something. Hope you take my advice and if you have any questions I will see you in the comments.

Open heart Maya.